Articles tagged "Meta"
After a look at headaches due to Xcode 10's new build system, this article will largely be a log of changes to Cocoa with Love content, in reverse chronological order, as I go back through all my Swift articles and make sure everything is up-to-date for Swift 4.2, Xcode 10, iOS 12 and mac OS 10.14.
This is a quick look at the changes I needed to make to bring Cocoa with Love up to date for Swift 3 and the latest iOS 10 and macOS Sierra.
I'm drawing a line between the old Objective-C era posts on Cocoa with Love and the Swift era posts. The aim of the new era will be to make app programming suck less through a broad theme: "maintainable Cocoa apps". If we program with fewer runtime errors and new features are easier to add, we'll have more fun – even if "maintainable" sounds like a dull word.